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Viser innlegg med etiketten UFO. Vis alle innlegg

søndag 12. april 2020

Hessdalen as a portal - 2

As I mentioned in the previously published article "Hessdalen as a portal", there are mainly three hypotheses that apply in relation to the UFO phenomenon, - in Hessdalen - AND globally:

1: One currently unknown natural phenomenon, possibly originating in geophysical conditions.

2: Secret military experiments with exotic technology.

3: "Visitation" - in one form or another.

With regard to hypothesis number 1, it is not suited to explain more than a fraction of the observation material - alone. But it cannot be ruled out that several phenomena co-exist in Hessdalen. So that unknown natural phenomena may co-exist with structured, solid objects, ie 'classic' UFOs.

Option 2 is covered by several articles already on this blog. See, for example, Hessdalen, UFOs and NATO and the series of articles on Roswell / Nazi Germany / Die Glocke etc.

This article should therefore be more about Alternative 3 - whether this can be a form of visitation - in one or another form.

It may be extraterrestrial visitation?

With billions of habitable planets in our own galaxy, there must be trillions of them in the universe. How many of the habitable planets that actually have life, are hard to say (Source:

But the theory that UFOs represents alien intelligence involves a number of assumptions.

Main assumption: That the alien intelligence really exists. For the time being, there is no evidence that races other than us exist. Perhaps an extremely rare combination of events must be necessary to produce intelligent beings? Mankind's development may seem to be the product of a wide range of environmental coincidences - which can occur on any planet - but perhaps not in the right combination or at the right time?

Despite this, it seems that more and more scientists are arguing that it will be naive to assume that we are alone and that it is statistically far more likely that we are not alone.

But if they exist, is it possible for "them" to come here?

J. Allen Hynek has a good illustration of the incredible distances in space:

If you imagine that the thickness of a playing card represents the distance between the earth and the moon, how many cards do you need to reach the nearest star outside the sun? The number is utopian, you need over thirty kilometers of playing cards!
(Hynek in Hessdalen 1985)

But maybe there are "shortcuts"? A type of "hole" in the space-time continuum? Portals etc?


J. Allen Hynek in interview with UFO-Norway's Odd Gunnar Røed:

The typical UFO is seen by many, it seems real and leaves marks, and then disappears. It is rarely reported from city to city. When a 747 departs from New York toward San Francisco, it is possible to follow this metal chunk every inch of the journey. This does not apply with UFOs. These occur spontaneously within a confined area, remain visible for a short time, and disappear. Maybe the UFOs have two aspects. They can be something in between our reality and a parallel reality - the door to another dimension? (Source: Tidsskriftet (journal) "UFO" no. 4, 1985).

A while back I came across the book "Demon Haunted" by John Zaffis. One of the chapters in the book deals with portals, and goes as far as to list specific characteristics that, according to the author, are often present in areas of increased paranormal activity - within the UFOlogy often referred to as "window areas" and / or "portals".

Under the section "Geophysical signatures" one can read:

Portals have one or more characteristic geophysical properties. One is marked magnetic deviation. Many portal areas have high concentrations of magnetic or diamagnetic content in the ground, such as iron, magnetite and quartz. Other characteristics include underground water, especially when it comes to the surface, natural caves, tunnels after mining, large bodies of water, especially flowing, and marshy areas.

All in all, this could have been a description of Hessdalen.

Now I do not know what sources Zaffis operates with - he states no one - and possibly this is based entirely on his own experiences and investigations. But it is nevertheless a pretty incredible coincidence whether Hessdalen holds all the hallmarks of a "portal" according to Zaffis if it was based on pure coincidence! While there may be every reason to question the scientific basis of Zaffis' characteristics, such a theory probably does not arise in a vacuum. It must probably be based on something?

And Zaffis isn't the only one to speculate along this line; In the book “Haunted Hudson Valley” by Cheri Revai (2010), one can read:

Investigators in the paranormal believe that specific geological conditions, such as areas with large deposits of iron ore and quartz, can result in increased paranormal activity.

Another book - "Strange Electromagnetic Dimensions: The Science of the Unexplainable" by Louis Proud (2014) - follows the same line:

These phenomena tend to haunt specific locations, places that are geologically "special" in one or more ways, such as being near a fault zone, by large bodies of water, - a lake, pond, river or waterfall - or by significant deposits of minerals.

The mountains in and around Hessdalen have a complex geology - with long traditions for mining. There are many old, abandoned mines in and around the valley, and just south of Hessdalen lies Norway's largest ore deposit - untouched. According to experts, the Hessjøen field is estimated to hold 16 million tons of ore - mainly iron, copper and zinc.

Large ore deposits generate strong magnetic fields.

(Hessdalen, - view to the west: Mount Finnsåhøgda).

In addition, we know that there are significant deposits of quartz crystals in Hessdalen. And precisely crystals are often mentioned in connection with "portals" in paranormal literature - such as e.g. in the book New Realities of the Twenty-First Century, by P. Wildman:

Quartz is known to be piezoelectric, ie, has the property of being
electrically charged when pressurized. In combination with strong magnetic fields, this can create a kind of electromagnetic chain reaction at the atomic level, as well as at the subatomic level - electrons, photons, protons and neutrons.

An "electromagnetic chain reaction" is a rather vague description of what is supposed to happen, I think ... But can there be something like that happening in Hessdalen?

Frenchman Jaques Vallée is known in UFO circles for suggesting a multidimensional visitation hypothesis as an alternative to the more widespread - and according to Vallée - narrow - extraterrestrial, visitation hypothesis. Vallée has explored the commonalities between UFO and other paranormal phenomena, including traditional folklore, and speculation on these potential links is presented in Vallé's third UFO book, Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers (1969).

(Valleé - suggests a multidimensional hypothesis)

Vallée seems to believe that there is a real UFO phenomenon - associated with a form of non-human consciousness - that has been active throughout human history, and seems to mask itself in different forms in different cultures.

American John Keel defies a related view. In his third book - UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse (1970 / re-released in 1996), he links UFOs to supernatural concepts such as monsters, ghosts and demons. Keel uses the term "Ultraterrestrials" to describe the UFO-pilots which he assumes are non-human beings (or intelligence) capable of assuming any form - or rather, giving the illusion of any form.

(John Keel)


Do we live in a multidimensional world? Quantum mechanics seem to be open up for this, and more and more physicists seem to be of this opinion. What was pure science fiction just a couple of decades ago seems to be pretty much mainstream today.

Is it that our physical world is just one plane or dimension among many? And is it then possible that the UFO phenomenon - and possibly other paranormal phenomena - is due to the interaction between our own and one or more of these other dimensions?

Is it, after all, all about thin borders? So that there are small "accidents" that cause paranormal events?

A kind of "rift" that constitutes an "opening" between two or more worlds? If so, could it be that Hessdalen in Norway - as well as a number of other similar places around the world - so-called windows - are places where such "rifts" are more likely to emerge?

søndag 22. september 2019

UFOs and the sulfur connection:

To the extent that odor is mentioned in UFO reports, strikingly often bad odor / odor of sulfur is mentioned. In addition, odor of sulfur is also related to other paranormal events. Is there a connection? AND - In the middle of Hessdalen - a closed sulfur mine ...

The mine is in the middle of the valley, with the entrance / exit of the shaft down by the river Hesja. This mine was in operation until 1933 when the mining company went bankrupt. It's clear traces of the activity to this day.

In 2013, Italian Jader Monari presented a theory intended to explain (some of) the lights in Hessdalen, namely 'Hessdalen as a giant battery'. The theory goes in short; tension is believed to occur as a result of various minerals located on either side of the valley; copper on the east side, and iron / zinc on the west side. The Hesja River - which flows in the middle of the valley - is thought to function as an electrolyte in that sulfuric acid leaks into the river from the abandoned sulfur mine down by the river bed. (

It's a neat - albeit contentious - theory. It has been criticized from several places;

- I do not think such a battery can explain the phenomenon. The distance is too large, says Bjørn Samset (Norwegian physicist). - Another question is whether the electric field has enough energy to make the gases glow.

Monari emphasizes that the theory is intended to explain light of the (apparent) plasma type, and NOT craft-like lights with an inner structure that has also been observed in Hessdalen.


BUT; - sulfur is also often mentioned in classic UFO reports:

A randomly selected example in this way:

Greenville SC, 2008:

[... It was triangular, dark and metallic, very sleek and smooth, with three white lights at each vertex and a concave red light, and it seemed blurry because the darn thing was wobbling a bit. I forced myself to look at the road and was surprised to find an unnatural glow around myself and the car, and as it grew brighter, I brought my eyes up and caught it above my windshield and I craned my neck and promptly began to panic because the craft was now above my car, silent ...] [... It was at this moment I smelled, yes I know .... sulfur .... something like sulfur, so strong I held my hand over my face .. .] (Source:

Sulfur odor has also been reported in Hessdalen in connection with sightings:

[... they saw a big bright light above the hill south of Vårhuskjølen. When they were in the middle part of Hessdalen, they could see the mountain Finnsåhøgda behind the light. There were some "wires" with light beneath the big light. They got the impression that the light was following the car. When they were at Skogås place, they went through a cloud which smelled like sulfur. They stopped at the local store and went back. Then the cloud and the light were gone. (Source:; observations 1996).

The question is whether UFOs can be linked to the physical, concrete occurrence of sulfur - such as in Hessdalen, where there is not just one, but several old, abandoned sulfur mines, - OR - is there another, deeper connection?


An article I found online speculates on this; "UFOs, Do They Smell? The Sulfur Enigma of Paranormal Visitation" ( - and makes
moreover, parallels to other paranormal activity:

"UFOs and most paranormal occurrences are often attended with a strong smell of sulfur, and the light produced by them is of a high energy quality, accompanied by a sulfurous complexion."

And worth noting:

"Lightning and thunder are attended with a strong smell of sulfur, and the light produced by them is of a sulfurous complexion."

Is this a clue somehow?

"In Immanuel Velikovsky's unpublished work In the Beginning, there's a chapter called 'The Transmutation of Oxygen into Sulfur' in which he tries to explain the origin of the sulfur smells of lightning. Velikovsky suggests that sulfur is actually made from the air by the passage of an electrical discharge."

- Could these paranormal events be the result of intelligences manifesting matter through dimensions? Certainly this would require a tremendous amount of energy. Then the tell tale sign of sulfur smells could be the effect of this energy 'entering' or 'exiting' our dimension.

Finally, a list of paranormal phenomena associated with the smell of sulfur according to the article:

  • The Tricksters: Of the Southwestern United States, Northern Mexico peyote ceremonies. Also in Celtic lore (fairies, gnomes, sylphs etc.)
  • The Men in Black
  • Sasquatch (Pacific Northwest), Yeti (Asia), The Skunk Ape (Southeastern U.S.), Momo (Missouri Monster)
  • The Greek Gods of Mythology
  • Succubi, Incubi, and various demonic manifestations during occult workings
  • Poltergeist, ghosts, spirits etc.
  • UFOs, Aliens, Space Brothers etc.
  • The Chupacabra of Puerto Rico and South and Central America

lørdag 6. april 2019

A new book about UFOs and Hessdalen!

Hessdalen lights! - What's happening in the Norwegian mountains?

The book in Kindle (e-book).

Book description:

The UFO flap in Hessdalen is the world's largest. No other place in the world have so many UFOs been seen over such a long period of time. And these UFO sightings are still going on!
This book covers the history of Hessdalen since the 80s, the scientific research that has been done - and is being done, in addition to interviews with Hessdalen residents etc. Last, but not least; - the author's personal experience after spending the last year at a cabin in Hessdalen:
"Hessdalen represents the UFO phenomenon “in miniature”; - implicit that almost everything that is reported internationally in the UFO context is also reported in Hessdalen one or more times. The UFO phenomenon in Hessdalen and the UFO phenomenon globally must therefore be regarded as the same phenomenon (not separate categories). And a solution to the UFO mystery in Hessdalen will thus represent a solution to the UFO phenomenon as a whole."
"I'm impressed by Hessdalen itself, because Hessdalen is really a UFO laboratory. It's a place where things are happening and where things can be studied. Hessdalen has had the best equipment and the best periode of operation and observation of the UFO-phenomenon any place in the world."
- Dr. J. Allen Hynek (Scientific advisor to UFO studies undertaken by the U.S. Air Force, Project Blue Book).

søndag 10. juni 2012

UFO Hessdalen; video interview - flying saucer sighting:

A small clip with an interview of some cottage residents visiting Hessdalen. Interesting story, which includes an observation of a saucer shaped craft. Somewhat unusual in Hessdalen, - most often it is elongated, cigar-shaped - or egg-shaped / spherical crafts which are sighted. The clip is also interesting because the reporter's sarcastic attitude is representative of the public attitude of UFOs and Hessdalen as it was a few years back. Fortunately, things are better now.

Taken from a NRK1 documentary from the 90's.

søndag 3. juni 2012

Hessdalen UFO documentary (with English subtitles):

Here is a Norwegian documentary about Hessdalen made ​​by some students at Østfold College. The film includes interesting comments from Hessdalen residents. I added English subtitles. Part two will come when I get time.

fredag 18. mai 2012

Hessdalen, UFOs and the military:

Here is a short follow up on the previous post regarding military presence in Hessdalen:

Date: 14.06.2002 Time: 04:00 P.M. Place: Hessdalen
Observer: Rutt-Marry Moe
Rutt-Marry was driving home from the store in Hessdalen, which is located close by the church. When she was at Trøan, just north of the community centre, a little bit south of Heggset, did she see a black or blackgrey flying "thing" down at the river. It had wings, but no windows. It was flying towards south, very close to the river. She was looking down at it. She believde it was a plane, but wondered how a plane could fly so close to the ground.

Comment: Could this be a drone from the military? At 4.40 P.M. did I (Erling Strand) see a big plane from the military, fly very low in Hessdalen. Bjørn-Gitle Hauge and some friends was at mount Finnsåhøgda south, and saw the plane in the same elevation as they. This is very low for such a big plane.
Ref. Rutt-Marry Moe.

From Project Hessdalens webpage:

"It had wings, but no windows", Rutt Mary says.


My comment:

Why are military drones in Hessdalen, what mission do they have?

A military drone down in the river valley?!?

Sounds strange...

By the way, is it unlikely that this was a Norwegian drone in 2002.
According to Norwegian Wikipedia, it was a goal to introduce Norwegian drones by 2008;

Please comment, guys;-)

New post tomorrow.

lørdag 5. mai 2012

Operation paperclip and UFOs

Operation paperclip was for many years a well-known "conspiracy theory", that probably many readers of this blog are aware of. After many documents have been released in recent years, and besides, this 600-page report, it is no longer a theory but conspiracy fact.

New York Times:

However, what is relatively new, and perhaps not so well known, is the extent of paperclip. As the report shows, it is not limited to the recruitment of scientists, but also largely import of Gestapo and SS personnel, as well as various parts of German intelligence. These were among others recruited for positions in the OSS, which later became the CIA.

Here is an article from BBC News  which focuses on how Operation Paperclip also involved import of new technology.

As the report shows, Paperclip consisted not only of scientists, but also of intelligence agents and officers, - recruitment of personnel (nearly 10 000 in number, large and small) and methods.

In addition, - new and advanced technology.

Paperclip can probably be related to a lot of what is discussed on different “conspiracy”-forums, and alternative internet pages. Among other, the program MK-ULTRA was initiated and implemented by the imported Nazis.

Obviously, a dose of Nazi ethics and ideology came along during the importation of technology and personnel ...
In the aforementioned article from BBC news:
"Supersonic Rockets, nerve gas, jet aircraft, guided missiles, stealth technology and hardened armor, were just some of the ground breaking technologies Developed in Nazi laboratories, workshops and factories, even as Germany was losing the war."

At the bottom of the article is also mentioned:

«Added to this, the large number of still-secret Paperclip documents has led many people, including Nick Cook, Aerospace Consultant at Jane's Defence Weekly, to speculate that the US may have developed even more advanced Nazi technology, including anti-gravity devices».
Said Nick Cook speculates in his book "the hunt for zero point"
regarding the possibility that recruited Nazi scientists, engineers and technicians may have had freedom, to such a degree, so that they could have continued their research quasi-independently, while the officially was employed and worked for the U.S. military.

Cook speculates whether they could have "reconstructed" themself as a "state within a state" - a "black projects coordination office" within structures that are otherwise under control of the U.S. government and military.

Perhaps it was something like this President Eisenhower had in mind when he warned against the moral and ethical dangers of the military-industrialcomplex's growing influence in American society during his farewell address in 1961?

This is demonstrated from a government document entitled "An evaluation of German Capabilities in 1945" - where foo fighters are known as "phoo bombs":

This technology, and related technology in the form of "circular wing aircraft" (which was under development in Nazi Germany), was probably one of the things one wanted to gain control of, and that may have been developed in U.S. black projects in the postwar years .

fredag 27. april 2012

Nazi UFO/The Bell, Roswell and MJ-12: Summary, conclusion, and a kind of proof(?):

Here is a preliminary attempt at a summary / conclusion of my two previous articles about The Bell:

Part 2:

Part 1:

"The Bell" was probably not a "UFO", but perhaps an experiment in cutting-edge physics?

It is from several sources claimed that "The Bell" project had as one of its aims to examine issues concerning gravity, and potentially develop fieldpropulsion / "anti-gravity" as a result of this.

The question then becomes whether any results of "The Bell" project eventually was used in connection with propulsion of other SS-initiated "black projects" - such as saucer-shaped aircrafts (which was originally intended for conventional jet / rocket propulsion)?

Illustration from an article by Rob Arndt;

The reasoning is roughly as follows:

- The person or persons who leaked / hoaxed (?) "The white hot intelligence estimate" in 1998, may (most likely) not have obtained information concerning "The Bell" from Witkowski, since the information was available only from (at that time) Witkowskis unknown articles in Polish (the translated version of "Prawda o Wunderwaffe" - "The truth about the wunderwaffe" came first in 2003).

- Witkowski wrote about "The Bell" long before 1998, and could obviously not have picked info about "The Bell-fuel" from the later MJ-12 document.

- We then have two completely
independent sources on an exotic form of propulsion (which may sound like a form of fieldpropulsion / "anti-gravity")

- The fact that Witkowski mentions
beryllium oxides and thorium as elements in detail in "IRR xerum 525" in his early articles in Polish, confirms that the MJ-12 document that later mentions the same elements, is not fake, but real.

- That the MJ-12 document (regardless of Wikowski) mentions
beryllium and thorium as ingredients in the "fuel" substantiates that Witkowski was right,, and that "The Bell" experiments actually took place.

- If the details in the MJ-12 document (that matches Witkowski) confirms that the technical descriptions in the document are true, then this is evidence that the Roswell incident actually took place.

- The technical descriptions in "The White Hot Intelligence Estimate" suggests that what crashed near Roswell was an aircraft of German origin:

The technical descriptions is about unusual and sophisticated, but earthly technology: Ignition Coil, magnets, electrodes, engine, exhaust pipes, plastic, copper wire, battery and gearbox etc.
This, as mentioned in the previous Posts.

lørdag 21. april 2012

Extraordinary UFO sighting; Hessdalen and UFOs; - Aliens, or secret military experiments?

One of the most extraordinary UFO-sightings in Hessdalen ever, was done by Leif Havik, - who is the author of the book I several times have referred to as well; “The UFO phenomenon”, (1987). Havik was also coordinator of the first two field investigations carried out by Project Hessdalen in 1984 and 1985. Considering Haviks position (leadership within Project Hessdalen / author of one out of two books about Hessdalen), it is, in my opinion, an extra reason to attribute this very special sighting weight:
“Friday 23.August, Leif Havik took a trip to Hessdalen. It was early afternoon when he turned into the road that leads to Øyungen, by Vårhus. Leif parked his car below Fjellbekkhøgda. Leif had packed a backpack for the trip, and went up along the mountain side. On the way up, he met a sport fisherman who was on his way down the mountain. After a brief pause at the top, Leif continued further towards Måstjønnskarven. He stopped at a huge rock on the plateau. Leif sat down on the moss, and used the huge stones as his backrest. He looked at the fantastic play of colors in the reflections from the countless small lakes across the tide. There were some little clouds that drifted by. It was strangely quiet, not a sound or a small puff where he sat.

Above you can see the drawing that Leif Havik made.
While Leif sat there, he suddenly got a feeling of being watched., and he turned around to see if there was anything nearby. There was nothing to see, so he threw it away by thinking that it probably was just his imagination.

Just then, he saw a shiny silver object that slowly slipped out of an invisible portal in the sky. The distance was hard to calculate, but it was "close" enough so that he could see the details of the hull. It looked like a fuselage without wings, and it was clearly composed of plates. Although it shined in silver, there were parts that were like darkened glass, especially in the front. The entire hull gradually came into view, and it stopped.

View from Fjellbekkhøgda.
Throughout this phase, Leif felt a tingling sensation in his arms and legs, and he was "heavy" in his head. It was an uncomfortable feeling, as if "something" deprived of his will. His brain told him to flee from there, but something "locked" him to the moss where he sat. Leif felt an intense, high-pitched, whistling noise inside his head, and it was an uncomfortable pressure in the forehead.

Leif explains further: "A weak. Reflective. flickering light moved along the side of the hull. There was something undefinable woolly about the light, - or rather like illuminated smoke. It suddenly felt as if his head would burst, and it was an indescribable pain. Then he did not really know what happened. The next thing he remembered was that he sat and looked beyond the rocky landscape, and he was surprised that it had been dark so fast. Now, there was no pain in his head, and the wingless fuselage was gone. He had to sort out his mind, and leaned firmly against a rock and rolled a cigarette. Then, it was as if a tape recorder started to run, and an authoritative and clear voice began to speak and rattled off one lesson after another. After a while, the "tape recorder" stopped. He suddenly felt that he wanted to go back home. The speed was high on the way back to the car. "

Map which shows Haviks position.
My comment:
I particularly note Haviks description of the hull, "as a fuselage, without wings” and the sentence; “it was clearly composed of plates." The description "fuselage without wings" is often used in conjunction with Hessdalen. This indicates (of course) that the vessel does not carry wings, and what keeps the vessel in the air,  most probably is a form of field propulsion / “anti-gravity”. However, it is my opinion that the fuselage shape indicates a human origin, and not something extraterrestrial/alien. If the craft was alien, I would have expected something far more exotic than "a fuselage without wings." In my view, "fuselage without wings-shape" indicates that the (human) builders of the vessel have based the craft on a plane (or a U-boat?) and simply dropped the wings - because they are unnecessary (due to exotic propulsion).

My next point is the words "clearly composed of plates".  Again, I think this indicates a man-made vessel, and not something alien. Most of our vessels are composed of plates, but is it likely that extraterrestrials/aliens - far ahead in development - would stagnate at the same developmental stage regarding development of hulls? Isn't it more likely that they would have developed hulls molded in a single piece of metal? A vessel "clearly composed of plates" would not be very suitable for interstelleare traveling in (or close to) the speed of light. (It would of course be torn apart.)

Some would argue that the crafts that visits earth (seen in Hessdalen), were brought here via a "mother ship, - but if the "mother ship" is built on the basis of requirements for interstellar travel, why does not the hulls of the “probes” possess the same qualities?

When it comes to Haviks psychological reactions (voices inside his head, etc.), many will likely connect this to extraterrestrials.

In my opinion, these reactions may rather be due to either (natural) electromagnetic activity - that we know occurs in the Hessdalen area (due to geo-physiological conditions?) - or a form of artificial electromagnetic interference. The first implies that it all takes place in Havik's head because of natural conditions that excists in the valley. The second option, however, indicates artificial influence - and thus a form of mind control - and that Hessdalen may be the site of greater things - testing of new technology (secret NATO-projects?) etc.

The last option will be explained in upcoming articles.

fredag 13. april 2012

News from Hessdalen; UFO-sightings 2012:

Happy announcement number 1:
The live-camera in the Hessdalen automatic station is up and running again. Here you can follow what happens in the "valley of UFOs" from second to second. The live-camera has been down since December, but is finally back.

Nice view: Hessdalen live-camera.

The camera is very light sensitive, and mounted in the direction of west. In the hours before sunset, , the screen goes black, and it is impossible to see anything. In winter, it is dark at night in Norway, and one is therefore dependent on the moon for it to be bright enough to make observations.

However, it
is possible to observe the phenomena live here. I have been lucky enough to see the phenomena repeatedly using this camera.

For example, do like me, have a small window open while you work on something else on your computer, - or download a screen recording program that can record while you do something else, not at home, etc.

Hessdalen automatic station.

Happy announcement number 2:
The Project Hessdalen page where observation reports are published, is updated. So far there are four phenomena reported in 2012:


Date: 01.03.2012 Time: 08:30 P.M Place: Lake Hersjøen, Hessdalen
Ole Jacob was driving a snowmobile on lake Hersjøen, together with his son Jacob

(11 years) and his niece Kristin (13 years). They saw a green light coming from the
east, moving down with an angle, in front of, and just south of mount Brattbekken, i
n the west. It disappeared when it was in the hillside. It disappeared when it was
below the horizon. The weather was calm, a few clouds and the themperature was - 2°C.

Date: 25.02.2012 Time: at about 07:20 P.M Place: Fjellheim parking, Hessdalen
The observers were at the parking place, when they saw a light in direction northeast.

The light was seen two times during a 5 minutes periode, and it lasted about 10 seconds
each time. During the first observation, the light split in two.

Date: 19.02.2012 Time: between 01:00 and 02:00 A.M Place: Fjellheim parking,
The observers were at the parking place, in the middle of the night, due to recording of a film.

They saw a light phenomenon in direction west/northwest, just above mount Skarvan. They
saw the light three times, each with a duration of about 5 to 10 seconds. It was above the horizon.

Date: 18.02.2012 Time:11:40 P.M Place: Grøtådalen, Hessdalen
Anngerd was sitting on a sledge behind a snowmobile, when they were driving back         

home from Grøtådalen. She saw a light in direction north/northwest. Estimated distance
was to the light was beneath 1000m, and it was underneath the horizon. The light looked
like sparks/ lines of light / rocket, which was standing still, just above the ground. She saw
the light just some seconds, because the snowmobile was driving into the farm, and something
did block the line of sight. She moved to a place on her farm, where she could see it, but then
it was gone.
Source: Project Hessdalen home page.

torsdag 5. april 2012

Hessdalen/Drivdalen UFO-video; proof of solid object?

Forty minutes long recording of UFOs taken in Drivdalen, Norway, a few miles south-west of Hessdalen.

The recording was made 18 January 2001.

To begin with, it is one light. Eventually, two lights - and at the end, we see three lights in a triangle formation.

The most remarkable aspect of the recording, however, is when the light dims, and we apparently can see what is under the luminous surface.

In the beginning we see a bright, color-changing ball:

Later, the "ball" seems to "open" up.

Eventually, the light turns off, and we are able to see that it is a solid object behind the luminous surface.

Let's recap what PhD. astrophysicist MassimoTeodorani have said in this connection:


"A fundamental result which was ascertained directly on the field during two intensive
scientific missions, is just that the Hessdalen phenomenology is characterized by two well-
distinguished aspects:

1: luminous orbs for which an external plasma appearance has been ascertained, but with highly anomalous characteristics both thermodynamically and morphologically,

2: a slender but significant minority of objects which possess sharp characteristics of solidity.

This double way in which the learnt phenomenology appears can be interpreted only in two alternative ways:

·       like an overlap of two phenomena with sharply different characteristics,


·       like two sharply different behaviours of the same phenomenon.

Anyway it must be reminded that, by assuming that the second option is taken into account, well-known laws of radiation physics say very clearly that the instrumental verification of the plasma nature of a given phenomenon, is not sufficient to demonstrate that the phenomenon is a plasma entirely, but only that his external surface (or: photosphere) behaves like a plasma which, by its
nature, is able to hide all what exists inside it."


We can’t see what’s inside a plasma, in the same way as we can’t see what’s inside the sun…

Does this footage represent what's inside a Hessdalen "plasma" ball?

I have been in contact with the head of Project Hessdalen, Erling Strand, at the Østfold university college regarding the recording, and asked for his opinion. He pointed out that we do not know in which hdirection of the sky this was filmed, and that we therefore cann't exclude the possibility that the luminous object at times may have been behind trees or the like. Strand does not exclude, in other words, that the portions of the recording where the light looks like an object, are due to that the light is partially hidden behind a tree.

For this reason, the footage can't prove anything, but in my opinion - and probably anyone who studies it, - it is reasonably unlikely that we are looking at a light (planet?) that periodically moves behind trees here.

Strand emphasizes that the recording is extremely interesting.

onsdag 4. april 2012

Hessdalen automatic station, and a black "stick":

Today's post might help to show some of the wide range in what has been seen and still is being seen, in Hessdalen. This sighting was done 23 December, 2002.

From Project Hessdalens web page:

Date: 12/23/2002 Time: 5:07 P.M. Place: Vårhus in Hessdalen
Witness: Bjarne and Bjorn Lillevold.

Bjørn and Bjarne were working with a car out on the yard at home. They suddenly
became aware of a big black vertical "stick", just above the automatic station.
The lower part of the "stick" did make a blue-green flash now and then. It could go
minutes between each flash. It moved slowly towards south, in direction Rognsåsjøen.
It disappeared behind the mountain 15 minutes later.
Ref. Bjarne Lillevold.
"The blue box" is the "brain" of Project Hessdalen, and the automatic measurement station. Here are the computers that perform various measurements located, and all the cameras and antennas are mounted here. Apparently, the UFO phenomenon, whether it is man-made or extra terrestrial, makes its own research and measurements “in return”...?

Have a look at the observation reports located on the ProjectHessdalen website.

mandag 2. april 2012

Sound phenomena as well in Hessdalen; evidence of underground (military) base?

Taken from Haviks book (the UFO phenomenon, 1987):


"Early in the period after 1981, a few people at Øyungen heard sounds which resembled a train passing through a tunnel just below where they stood. Apparently, a "train" passed by from one end to the other, underground where they were. They got scared, and went home.

Later, it is mainly “thunder-like" sounds which have been heard. Today, no explanation is found for these sounds.

On 6. September 1984, two people heard deep roars at 09.18, 15.25 and 15.33. They came from the north-east.

On 7. September the same year, double “explosion-like" sounds were heard on the west side of mount Romundhaugen at 19.55. Later sounds were heard around Romundhaugen, as if the roar moved around the mountain.

If these sound phenomena in any way are related to the light phenomena, they will possibly have some connection with geological 'activity', and then both lights and sound phenomena should be a natural part of this. One has not been able to prove anything in favor of this theory yet."


My mind goes inevitable to what I've read about regarding deep, underground military bases (dumbs), and underground tunnel systems in both the United States and Europe - as in a military context can be traced back to Nazi Germany and the vast underground complexes which was built in Germany during ww2.
Are there similar underground facilities in the Hessdalen area?

lørdag 31. mars 2012

Hessdalen UFOs, color and speed - "anti-gravity", and a link to Tesla:

From Havik's book (the UFO phenomenon), page 177:

"The phenomenon is often seen as reddish-brown, reddish-orange, yellowish-white or blue balls of light. One has often seen that the higher the speed, the whiter the light appear. Stationary balls of light often have a warm-yellow or reddish color."

Enlargement of the 16 mm film that Jon Gisle Børseth took for NRK. This is the "observation UFO", according to Wisth. (Taken from Wisth (1983): "The UFO mystery in Hessdalen")

Hm ... Where have I read something similar?

Well, on this page.

[... In bright sunlight, the aircraft/spacecraft may seem surrounded by hot air, a slight magnetic distortion of the light. In semi-darkness and night, the metal sheets glow, even through the thin ceramic outer hull, with different colors. The visible light is a by-product of the electricity flowing over the metal sheets, according to the frequencies used.

Descending, landing or just starting to lift from the ground, the transformer primaries are near the secondary weak ends and therefore, the bottom set of sheets glow a misty red. Red may also appear at the front of the machine when it is moving forward fast, lessening resistance up front.

Orange appears for slow speed. Orange-yellow are for airplane-type speeds. Green and blue are for higher speeds. With a capacitor addition, making it oversized for the circuit, the blue becomes bright white, like a searchlight, with possible risk of damaging the metal sheets involved.

The highest visible frequency is violet, like Tesla's stage demonstrations, used for the highest speed along with the bright white. The colors are nearly coherent, of a single frequency, like a laser. A machine built with a set of super conducting magnets would simplify and reduce electricity needs from a vehicle's transformer circuits to the point of flying along efficiently and hovering with very little waste of electricity.

(Excerpt from "The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla.")

This represents Tesla's concept of an electrogravitic aircraft, originally conceived in 1919 (according to the source).

I'm no expert on the color distribution of the electromagnetic spectrum, and have even less insight into the potential of electromagnetic propulsion. But the correlation between Tesla's description of his "electrogravitic aircraft" and reports from Hessdalen, I find very interesting.

fredag 30. mars 2012

UFOs, Hessdalen and "anti-gravity"

Let's take another look at Category 4 (several lights at a fixed distance of each other).

From the previous article on this subject:

[... it moved slowly to the north. It had a clear, red light in front, and it was moving in a slow,
wave-like motion.]

This movement has been observed repeatedly in Hessdalen. Such a movement indicates non-aerodynamic flight, and may indicate that a type of field propulsion (or "anti-gravity") is going on.

As said, this is observed repeatedly in Hessdalen according to witnesses, but not photographed. However, similar movements are photographed in connection with UFO sightings in Arendal, southern Norway. (Photographer is Arne P. Thomassen, who by the way has been an active photographer in Hessdalen as well).

The images are taken with long exposures, so that the movement pattern is captured.

Enlargement (2 times) The phenomenon came from the south and passed to the north. Observation 5 km. southwest of Arendal.
Enlargement (8 times) of the same photo. The object shows a clear wave-like motion on its journey. (Below you can see a small strip of light).

Unfortunately, I don't know the exact time of exposure in connection with this picture.

Photos are taken from Haviks book (The UFO phenomenon).

onsdag 28. mars 2012

Nazi-UFO evidence? "Flying saucers, a German invention" according to newspaper headlines.

Here is a collection of headlines from German newspapers from the 50s and beyond:

The headlines say:
Flying saucer invented in Germany”.

“Flying saucers, a German invention”.

“The first "flying saucer" flew in 1945 in Prague”.

“"Saucers" disclosed”.

“We constructed flying discs”.

“Flying saucers = V7 says German designer”.

“Flying Saucer = German craft”.

“Adolf Hitler's little green men”

Again, how can this be in the public domain, and then just disappear?

mandag 26. mars 2012

Hessdalen "UFO models"; sightings of cigar-shaped crafts?

Let's have a closer look at Category 4:

"Several lights with a fixed distance from each other. Most often, there were two yellow or white lights with a red light in front. Many people were talking about the object when they saw this light type. These lights could move slowly around the mountains. Again, it usually moved along the north-south axis."

From Haviks book (The UFO phenomenon):


"Friday 17th March 1982 I went up to Hessdalen along with a couple of friends. Our equipment, which was packed as for an expedition to the polar regions, was loaded carefully on a snowmobile sled.

At 19.32 we were interrupted by someone shouting, "There it is!" We dropped what we held in our hands, and ran out on the road. An elongated bright object was passing slowly in front of mount Finnsåhøgda on its way north, - so that the mountain could be seen as a backdrop.

We had barely arrived at the “Promised Valley”, and there "it" was!

The equipment was transported to the mountain farm, as we drove back to Aspåskjølen where other people stood and "stared". We soon learned that more people had seen "it", and that they had not heard any sound.

At 20.39 a similar object returned in the same route, but this time from north to south. I was able to register three points of light, of which one was red. The object turned to the south-west, above the mountain with moderate speed. The camera equipment was on the scooter sleigh, and probably almost halfway to the farm by now...

Drawing: Leif Havik

At 23 o'clock we arrived at the farm.

In the hours that followed, we unpacked the equipment and watched the night sky. We soon realized that there were many planes, and there were lots of satellites. There was otherwise no trouble hearing the sound of planes - and into the night, there was almost no passages. It was a peaceful and quiet night, in an equally peaceful "paradise" that Finnsådalen soon was named.

Next morning, we walked around the "foot" of Finnsåhøgda, and found an excellent observation post in about the hight of 690 meters. Here we would establish ourselves for the night.

At 19 o'clock we were ready to begin observing.

It goes with the story that these lights were so precise regarding the time – that people began to mention the passages as "routs" or "flights". The clock struck 19:30 and we were waiting for “the half past seven flight”.

More stars appeared, and it cleared up.

There! ... - A star-like light appeared in the south. It came over the horizon, but only emerged as jack in the box. The time was 19.33. The light became "warmer" and it was approaching fast. We could see that it was elongated and that it had at least two yellow-white lights and a red light. The red light was placed above the object. Could it be a plane? No. - We could hear no sound, - and it came ever closer. Cameras were ready, and we shot a few pictures. The lights were passing slowly to the north.

We noted that there was only a kind of “dead” light. It seemed blurred and dull, and none of us had seen such a light before.

Camera with 400 ASA film and 270 mm telephoto lens was used. Of course it was mounted on a tripod, and through the lens, I could only see a small point of light. It was just to shoot and hope for luck.

The object's passage deserves further comment. Distance to the top of the mountain which the object passed in front of, is just under 2000 meters, and we could see that the object disappeared behind the nearest peak of Finnsåhøgda. Thus, it would imply that the object's passage had to be at a distance of approximately 17 to 1800 meters, and the height of the passage about 980 meters.

After the lights disappeared behind the mountain, we saw it again just seconds later - when it came in a nice turn from the west along the mountain edge, after which it again disappeared behind the mountains. It did, in other words, an extra loop before continuing to the north. But this time only the red light could be seen, and the other two yellow-white lights were turned off.

I have since seen the same phenomenon on several occasions, and I'm sure it could not be plane, balloon, planet or a light reflection.

After this incident we were silent, everyone trying to find an explanation. But we soon had to give up. However, we were sure that no airplane could do such maneuvers only a few meters above the mountain plateau.

At 19.58 we became aware of another floating “star”. It came at exactly the same "route" as the previous one, and it had the same speed. As it came closer, it assumed a more yellowish color, and later more orange-red. This was also photographed before it disappeared to the north. The light seemed like a flickering “flame”, and had diffuse contours.

The next day we also had two observations of nearly the same type. At 19.38 and 19.50 some bright objects passed to the north in almost the same "route” as before, but no photos were taken.

"Same" object once again:

From Vårhuskjølen I saw a similar lighted object like the previous observations.

We were four people standing on Vårhuskjølen when "it" came north at 19.42. It passed above the mountain and went down the north side of this mountain. After a while it suddenly disappeared in direction of the Haltdalen area. Others who saw it said that it passed in the same hight as Vårhus, - 610 meters.

Same object?

At 20.50 "it" came back from the north, but this time it passed east of Finnsåhøgda. It rose immediately after the passage of the mountain, and disappeared into the clouds at about 14 to 1500 meters altitude. The object was illuminated, with a red light in front. There was no sound. Attempts to photograph failed.

The 21. October we were back.. At 21.13 came "our" oblong object. It passed north of the mountain, before it suddenly disappeared. Four minutes later a similar object passed to the south, east of Finnsåhøgda. It followed Hessdalen south in regular orbit and speed. The observations took place in clear weather, and there was no wind. No sound could be heared. Attempts to take photographs failed this time as well.

A hissing sound:

The 26. October, I went up to Hessdalen again with a friend. We arrived Vårhuskjølen at 19.35. There were two representatives of UFO Sweden there which had stood there all day without seeing anything special.

We had barely enough time to stop the car, before a light appeared. We popped out of the car, as if shot from a catapult seat - and there was our "cigar" again! This time it was properly illuminated, and it moved slowly to the north. It had a clear red light in front, and it was moving in a slow, wave-like motion. It also had a very rough path. This time it passed so far to the east, that it passed almost directly above where we stood, and although it was impossible to determine the height, it could possibly not be more than 1000 meters, or in other words up to 300 meters above us.

Since it passed so close, it was for the first time possible to hear sound. It was a kind of hissing sound, which can be compared with the sound of high voltage cables in wet weather.

I have been struggling to find a description of the visual observation, and the closest I can come to - is that it resembled a huge glowing ash flake that flew with the wind.