mandag 19. mars 2012

Proof; Foo fighters: German-built weapons of war - first modern UFOs:

Wikipedia on «foo fighters»:

The term foo fighter was used by Allied aircraft pilots in World War II to describe various UFOs or mysterious aerial phenomena seen in the skies over both the European and Pacific Theater of Operations.

Though "foo fighter" initially described a type of UFO reported and named by the U.S. 415th Night Fighter Squadron, the term was also commonly used to mean any UFO sighting from that period.

Formally reported from November 1944 onwards, witnesses often assumed that the foo fighters were secret weapons employed by the enemy, but they remained unidentified post-war and were reported by both Allied and Axis forces. Michael D. Swords writes:
During WWII, the foo fighter experiences of [Allied] pilots were taken very seriously. Accounts of these cases were presented to heavyweight scientists, such as David Griggs, Luis Alvarez and H.P. Robertson. The phenomenon was never explained. Most of the information about the issue has never been released by military intelligence.”

Regarding the last point, new information has come forward: It turns out that the U.S. government has known the truth all along. This is demonstrated in an official "Intelligence Digest" document, dated February 1945 which is made ​​public through FOIA:

The document deals with the German military capacity in 1945, and mentions "Phoo Bombs" as a weapon in the German arsenal.

"Foo Fighters" are in other words known as "Phoo Bombs" inside the intelligence.

It can thus be concluded that the "foo fighters" were German-built weapons of war, and that "foo fighters" represents the first modern UFOs.

This technology, and related technology in the form of "circular wing aircraft" (which can be proven was under development in Nazi Germany), was probably some of the technology one wanted to gain control of - through “operation paperclip” - and which may have been developed in U.S. black projects in the postwar years.

lørdag 17. mars 2012

Nazi-UFOs: "Flying Saucers were Hitler's A-7 weapons:"

An article from the Swedish newspaper "Aftonbladet", 10.10. 1952. The headline reads "Flying Saucers were Hitler's A-7 weapons.

Furthermore, it is stated in the article that German flying saucer-builders have been in the U.S. since 1945. The article includes an interview with Werner von Braun, who among other things says that there was a problem with the fuel in relation to the early saucers, but that they now believe that this can be solved using nuclear power.

This article was published in 1952!

I have, unsuccessfully, tried to find follow-up articles in both Swedish and Norwegian newspapers from the period. Unbelievable that this appeared in the public media, and then just disappeared!

fredag 16. mars 2012

The EMBLA-missions in Hessdalen:

As already mentioned, PhD. astrophysicist Massimo Teodorani related to the Italian branch of Project Hessdalen, was the leader/coordinator at the three field studies conducted in Hessdalen in 2000, 2001 and 2002 (project EMBLA). In this regard, it is published a number of reports and huge amounts of research data.

The results and conclusions are startling, and can be summarized in the following table:

As the table demonstrates, 85% of the observed phenomena shows (external) plasma characteristics (including 5% geometric shapes). The remaining 5% of the observed phenomena
shows characteristics of solid, structured objects (and 10 % of uncertain character).

Teodorani explains the results in this article


A fundamental result which was ascertained directly on the field during two intensive scientific missions, is just that the Hessdalen phenomenology is characterized by two well- distinguished aspects:
  1. the very most part of luminous apparently immaterial orbs for which an external plasma appearance has been ascertained, but with highly anomalous characteristics both thermodynamically and morphologically,
  2. a slender but significant minority of objects which possess sharp characteristics of solidity.
    This double way in which the learnt phenomenology appears can be interpreted only in two alternative ways: or like an overlap of two phenomena with sharply different characteristics, OR like two sharply different behaviours of the same phenomenon.
    Anyway it must be reminded that, by assuming that the second option is taken into account, well-known laws of radiation physics say very clearly that the instrumental verification of the plasma nature of a given phenomenon, is not sufficient to demonstrate that the phenomenon is a plasma entirely, but only that his external surface (or: photosphere) behaves like a plasma which, by its nature, is able to hide all what exists inside it, as any photon coming from the interior should be immediately absorbed or scattered by the cloud of ions and electrons which are located in the external region, which in its turn is the only one which can be monitored instrumentally. In order to try to penetrate inside the plasma cloud, during the next missions, an “imaging radar” is planned for use, together with a high-resolution spectrograph [1] able to furnish a much more precise quantitative description of the plasma photosphere of the phenomenon
Since the first field-observation in Hessdalen (EMBLA 2000) it has been possible to learn that, together with a big majority of lights of the “plasmoid type”, structured objects were present too: at first a triangle of lights, then a low-luminosity egg-like translucid object [21]. During the second field-observation (EMBLA 2001) something similar to a flattened ellipsoid was recorded [23]. All these specific evidences of “structured targets” do not demonstrate at all, of course, that Hessdalen is subject to ET visitation.

On the contrary it is even more reasonable to suspect that the governments which are at present possibly experimenting flying devices working with “exotic tecnology”, would choose locations just like Hessdalen in order to work with no disturb by putting into practice the best of the camouflages. The co-existence of anomalous lights of possible natural origin linked to the territory and of flying machines born from some mind of the “Skunk Works” might permit to some government to operate in total secret by letting the public opinion believe that Hessdalen is an alien basis.

Therefore, the fact that some “structured events” in Hessdalen were recorded by EMBLA, is not a proof that Earth is visited by exogenous probes. Nevertheless this possibility in itself, as a pure work-hypothesis, is not at all excluded by official science, and it is included inside the plans (introduced before) of the SETV project. As it has been said, Earth may be reached in several ways which are canonically accepted. In order that this possibility may be proved or confuted, it is necessary to expand of at least an order of magnitude, both the sophistication and the completenesse of the sensing instrumentation.

[21] Teodorani M., Montebugnoli S. & Monari J. (2000) ‘The EMBLA 2000 Mission in Hessdalen’, NIDS, Articles,

[23] Teodorani M., Strand E.P. & Hauge B.G. (2001), ‘EMBLA 2001: The Optical Mission’, ICPH, Articles,

Here it is worth noting that Teodorani keeps the door open for the SETV hypothesis (extraterrestrial visitation), but suggests that secret experiments with exotic technology are a more likely explanation.

My tip is exotic (man-made) technology. More on this in later posts.

Sighting of a "Black Triangle" in Hessdalen:

Taken from an interview with  PhD. astrophysicist Massimo Teodorani in 2001 (from Linda Moulton Howe's website, earth files).

Teodorani is related to the Italian branch of Project Hessdalen and was director / coordinator of the field investigations in Hessdalen in the years 2000, 2001 and 2002 (Project Embla).


"Last year we saw the triangle, but we couldn't document it because that day we didn't have a videocamera with us. It was impossible to follow it with a normal reflex camera. But it was just a triangle with three lights on the vertices. The lights were fixed, not blinking, and it was coming from north towards us and it did stop exactly over us. There were five of us and when it was over us it started to make a rotation around its axis while it was standing still. And after some seconds, about 15 seconds, the lights faded very gradually and the triangle disappeared over our heads. This is a story, but unfortunately we couldn't document or take measurements. But it happened.


I know, yes. 


It was practically impossible to understand. It was very big and I can only say that the size was about 10 times the moon. Probably more. I could see with my binocular that there was a dark surface very well. But differently from the Belgium cases. There was no blinking center light. There were only three lights fixed and then afterward fading gradually and disappearing. I tell you that my friend is director of a radio astronomical station. He is a radio astronomer and I am an astrophysicist. There were two professors there who are engineers and another professor. And it was in fact incredible! 


Yes, yes, yes, it is exactly so. Of course, I have to tell what happens. I am a scientist and my duty is not to select what I don't like or what is not convenient for me. We have to find out what it is."

torsdag 15. mars 2012

Different categories of UFOs in Hessdalen:

The Phenomena can be organized in different types, based on how it looks like, the movement and how it behaves.

Project Hessdalens categorisation on their website:

1 - White, or blue-white flashing lights. They are usually high in the air, close to the tops of the mountains or even higher. Their lifetime is usually short, typical some seconds. Sometimes they have been seen for a minute, but seldom any longer.

2 - A yellow light, with a red light on the top. This red light can be flashing.

3 - A yellow or white light. This is the most common description of the Hessdalen Phenomena. This light can stand still for more than an hour. It can move around slowly down in the valley, stop sometimes for minutes, start moving again. The shape is often round as a ball. Sometimes there are other shapes.

4 - A black "object" with lights on. This has been reported several times in Hessdalen. Here you can see a picture of such a phenomena. It was Leif Havik who took the picture in Hessdalen March 18. 1982. It shows three lights on this "black object":

Here is a drawing made by one observer of a similar phenomena in Hessdalen. A "object" with a light on each end:

Arne Wisth makes an alternative organization in the book "The UFO-mystery in Hessdalen" from 1983:
"We can affirm that at least four different types of UFOs are involved:

1: "The observation-UFO" which is round or egg-shaped.
2: "The hat," which has the classic flying saucer shape.
3: "The bullet", which is pointed at one end and rounded at the other, that often stands still for long periods and also lands.
4: "The cigar" - which is large, perhaps a hundred meters or more.

Are we facing a single phenomenon with different behavior, or are we facing multiple, parallel phenomena?

onsdag 14. mars 2012

Book recommendation; "Hitler's flying saucers": Nazi-UFO proof:

Hitler's Flying Saucers: A Guide to German Flying Discs of the Second World War

Stevens turns every stone in his investigation, and provides a very detailed review of the German flying saucer projects during ww2, - from jet-powered 'suction saucers' to potential field propultion saucers.
If you are new to the topic and want a thorough introduction, this is the best place to start.

An amateur video in three parts based on Stevens's book can be watched here;


tirsdag 13. mars 2012

Flying saucer-wave 1947; Schulgens collection memorandum, part 2

As mentioned in part 1, it seems that Schulgen is familiar with the Roswell incident, and that his 1947 memorandum is partly based on the Roswell crash and the investigations of the debris.

Schulgen asks to look for signs of unusual production of materials that could contribute to reduce weight on aircrafts:
“Unusual fabrication methods to achieve ecstreme light weight and structural stability particularly in connection with great capacity for fuel storage“.

Farrell shows in his book, Roswell and the Reich (2010), how a number of details in the descriptions of the debris can be traced back to Nazi Germany and the research associated with the German war projects in metallurgy, etc., which aimed to reduce weight of aircrafts - either research and development that indisputably
happened in Nazi Germany, or projects that there is reason to believe were probably happening.

Another statement that very clearly demonstrates that the memorandum is partly based on the Roswell-crash and the investigation of the debris is this:
"Type of material, whether metal, ferrous, non-ferrous, or non-metallic;” and “Composite or sandwich construction utilizing various combinations of metals, plastics, and perhaps balsa wood”.

I-beams of balsawood, balsawood or plastic-like material / other lightweight materials were mentioned by witnesses in the descriptions of the debris!

It is very unlikely that Schulgen would have mentioned balsawood without having read about / been briefed on the investigation of the Roswell debris.

It is also worth noting that Major Marcel mentioned a kind of porous metal in the description of the debris - that one could blow through.

In this regard, Shulgen writes in his memo:
"...boundary layer control method by suction, blowing, or a combination of both” and “Openings either in the leading edge top and bottom surfaces that are employed chiefly to accomplish boundary layer control or for the purpose of reducing the induced drag. Any openings in the leasing edge should be reported and described as to shape, size, etc. This investigation is significant to justify a disc shape configuration for long-range application”.

... And to the conclusion of the document:
“The power plant would likely be an integral part of the aircraft an could possibly not be distinguished as an item separate from the aircraft. If jet propulsjon is used, large air handling capacity, characterized by a large air inlet and large exhaust nozzle, should be evident. The size of entrance and exit areas world be of interest. It is possible that the propulsive jet is governed or influenced for control of the aircraft. The presence of vanes or control surfaces in the exhaust or methods of changing the direction of the objekt should be observed.”

On this basis, it should be clear what the U.S. air force believed they were facing, namely jet-turbine-powered saucer shaped aircraft (built in lightweight materials) which extraordinary maneuverability and performance was based on eliminating the problem of "the boundary layer" and thus reducing air resistance and friction .

W.A. Harbinson, in the book “Project UFO: The Case for Man-Made Flying Saucers (2007)” sheds light on "the boundary layer" and the porous metal Maj. Marcel mentions;

“Further; if such a craft could be built with a ‘porous’ metal that would act like a sponge and remove the need for air intakes altogether, it would result in ‘frictionless airflow’ during flight (…) such a craft would ‘slip through the air in the same way as a piece of wet soap slips through the fingers (…) the speed and manoeuvrability of such a craft would be virtually limitless (…) While the idea of ‘porous’ metal sounds like something from science fiction, it was in fact being developed in Nazi Germany (…) Among the many other advanced experiments being run in the wind tunnel in the Zeppelin works at Friedrichshaften were those concerning the different ‘porous’ metals, or ‘aeropermeable surfaces’ that were being created by the scientists of Göttingen, Aachen and Volkenrode - various compounds of magnesium and aluminium, sinterized and permeated with microscopic holes. It was called Luftschwamm, or ‘aerosponge’.

In other words, major Marcels description of a porous metal in the Roswell debris (which one could blow through) points directly to Nazi Germany.

Furthermore, to build an aircraft of this type would depend on making the hull thicker to compensate for the weakening of the metals caused by a number of microscopic holes, - or, - the metals necessarily had to be produced lighter and stronger - and one would therefore expect that Nazi Germany's research in metallurgy projects would be implemented at this - and that's exactly what several researchers have found.