Viser innlegg med etiketten automatic station. Vis alle innlegg
Viser innlegg med etiketten automatic station. Vis alle innlegg

tirsdag 5. juni 2012

Hessdalen UFO-documentary, part 2 (with subtitles):

Part two of the Hessdalen UFO-documentary by students from Østfold college.

fredag 13. april 2012

News from Hessdalen; UFO-sightings 2012:

Happy announcement number 1:
The live-camera in the Hessdalen automatic station is up and running again. Here you can follow what happens in the "valley of UFOs" from second to second. The live-camera has been down since December, but is finally back.

Nice view: Hessdalen live-camera.

The camera is very light sensitive, and mounted in the direction of west. In the hours before sunset, , the screen goes black, and it is impossible to see anything. In winter, it is dark at night in Norway, and one is therefore dependent on the moon for it to be bright enough to make observations.

However, it
is possible to observe the phenomena live here. I have been lucky enough to see the phenomena repeatedly using this camera.

For example, do like me, have a small window open while you work on something else on your computer, - or download a screen recording program that can record while you do something else, not at home, etc.

Hessdalen automatic station.

Happy announcement number 2:
The Project Hessdalen page where observation reports are published, is updated. So far there are four phenomena reported in 2012:


Date: 01.03.2012 Time: 08:30 P.M Place: Lake Hersjøen, Hessdalen
Ole Jacob was driving a snowmobile on lake Hersjøen, together with his son Jacob

(11 years) and his niece Kristin (13 years). They saw a green light coming from the
east, moving down with an angle, in front of, and just south of mount Brattbekken, i
n the west. It disappeared when it was in the hillside. It disappeared when it was
below the horizon. The weather was calm, a few clouds and the themperature was - 2°C.

Date: 25.02.2012 Time: at about 07:20 P.M Place: Fjellheim parking, Hessdalen
The observers were at the parking place, when they saw a light in direction northeast.

The light was seen two times during a 5 minutes periode, and it lasted about 10 seconds
each time. During the first observation, the light split in two.

Date: 19.02.2012 Time: between 01:00 and 02:00 A.M Place: Fjellheim parking,
The observers were at the parking place, in the middle of the night, due to recording of a film.

They saw a light phenomenon in direction west/northwest, just above mount Skarvan. They
saw the light three times, each with a duration of about 5 to 10 seconds. It was above the horizon.

Date: 18.02.2012 Time:11:40 P.M Place: Grøtådalen, Hessdalen
Anngerd was sitting on a sledge behind a snowmobile, when they were driving back         

home from Grøtådalen. She saw a light in direction north/northwest. Estimated distance
was to the light was beneath 1000m, and it was underneath the horizon. The light looked
like sparks/ lines of light / rocket, which was standing still, just above the ground. She saw
the light just some seconds, because the snowmobile was driving into the farm, and something
did block the line of sight. She moved to a place on her farm, where she could see it, but then
it was gone.
Source: Project Hessdalen home page.

onsdag 4. april 2012

Hessdalen automatic station, and a black "stick":

Today's post might help to show some of the wide range in what has been seen and still is being seen, in Hessdalen. This sighting was done 23 December, 2002.

From Project Hessdalens web page:

Date: 12/23/2002 Time: 5:07 P.M. Place: Vårhus in Hessdalen
Witness: Bjarne and Bjorn Lillevold.

Bjørn and Bjarne were working with a car out on the yard at home. They suddenly
became aware of a big black vertical "stick", just above the automatic station.
The lower part of the "stick" did make a blue-green flash now and then. It could go
minutes between each flash. It moved slowly towards south, in direction Rognsåsjøen.
It disappeared behind the mountain 15 minutes later.
Ref. Bjarne Lillevold.
"The blue box" is the "brain" of Project Hessdalen, and the automatic measurement station. Here are the computers that perform various measurements located, and all the cameras and antennas are mounted here. Apparently, the UFO phenomenon, whether it is man-made or extra terrestrial, makes its own research and measurements “in return”...?

Have a look at the observation reports located on the ProjectHessdalen website.