onsdag 8. mai 2019

Undulating motion and other recognizable patterns across UFO data:

Here is a very interesting recording taken by the "Blue Box" - the automatic measuring station (AMS) in Hessdalen, administered by Østfold University College.

Notice the jerky, undulating motion. This has been reported numerous times in Hessdalen - and also internationally in UFO context. We even saw this pattern of motion ourself last year - as described in the book (chapter 5, page 34).

(Undulating motion. From "The UFO evidence" R. Hill.)

(Photos from Havik's Hessdalen -book (1987) showing undulating motion. Exposure time: 30 sec.)

I'm concerned about recognizable patterns across UFO data;  pattern of movement, shape, light and color composition, sound and smell etc. For when independent witnesses, separated geographically as well as in time, without the slightest opportunity to have contact or influenced each other, describe the same thing - down to a level of detail that makes it absurd to blame it on chance, then everything indicates that what they report is genuine and true.

There is a striking correlation between reports from Hessdalen and international reports from the US, UK, Australia, South America etc. to the extent that one can conclude that the phenomena in Hessdalen = the UFO phenomenon globally. In other words, any scientific research results obtained in Hessdalen can be generalized to the UFO phenomenon globally and totally.

tirsdag 7. mai 2019

The facebook page

A small post just to draw attention to the facebook page:

Hessdalen on facebook

Material that is not suitable in the blog format will be posted there; eg. videos, links, short comments and so on.

lørdag 6. april 2019

A new book about UFOs and Hessdalen!

Hessdalen lights! - What's happening in the Norwegian mountains?

The book in Kindle (e-book).

Book description:

The UFO flap in Hessdalen is the world's largest. No other place in the world have so many UFOs been seen over such a long period of time. And these UFO sightings are still going on!
This book covers the history of Hessdalen since the 80s, the scientific research that has been done - and is being done, in addition to interviews with Hessdalen residents etc. Last, but not least; - the author's personal experience after spending the last year at a cabin in Hessdalen:
"Hessdalen represents the UFO phenomenon “in miniature”; - implicit that almost everything that is reported internationally in the UFO context is also reported in Hessdalen one or more times. The UFO phenomenon in Hessdalen and the UFO phenomenon globally must therefore be regarded as the same phenomenon (not separate categories). And a solution to the UFO mystery in Hessdalen will thus represent a solution to the UFO phenomenon as a whole."
"I'm impressed by Hessdalen itself, because Hessdalen is really a UFO laboratory. It's a place where things are happening and where things can be studied. Hessdalen has had the best equipment and the best periode of operation and observation of the UFO-phenomenon any place in the world."
- Dr. J. Allen Hynek (Scientific advisor to UFO studies undertaken by the U.S. Air Force, Project Blue Book).

søndag 10. juni 2012

UFO Hessdalen; video interview - flying saucer sighting:

A small clip with an interview of some cottage residents visiting Hessdalen. Interesting story, which includes an observation of a saucer shaped craft. Somewhat unusual in Hessdalen, - most often it is elongated, cigar-shaped - or egg-shaped / spherical crafts which are sighted. The clip is also interesting because the reporter's sarcastic attitude is representative of the public attitude of UFOs and Hessdalen as it was a few years back. Fortunately, things are better now.

Taken from a NRK1 documentary from the 90's.

søndag 3. juni 2012

Hessdalen UFO documentary (with English subtitles):

Here is a Norwegian documentary about Hessdalen made ​​by some students at Østfold College. The film includes interesting comments from Hessdalen residents. I added English subtitles. Part two will come when I get time.