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Viser innlegg med etiketten aliens. Vis alle innlegg

søndag 12. april 2020

Hessdalen as a portal - 2

As I mentioned in the previously published article "Hessdalen as a portal", there are mainly three hypotheses that apply in relation to the UFO phenomenon, - in Hessdalen - AND globally:

1: One currently unknown natural phenomenon, possibly originating in geophysical conditions.

2: Secret military experiments with exotic technology.

3: "Visitation" - in one form or another.

With regard to hypothesis number 1, it is not suited to explain more than a fraction of the observation material - alone. But it cannot be ruled out that several phenomena co-exist in Hessdalen. So that unknown natural phenomena may co-exist with structured, solid objects, ie 'classic' UFOs.

Option 2 is covered by several articles already on this blog. See, for example, Hessdalen, UFOs and NATO and the series of articles on Roswell / Nazi Germany / Die Glocke etc.

This article should therefore be more about Alternative 3 - whether this can be a form of visitation - in one or another form.

It may be extraterrestrial visitation?

With billions of habitable planets in our own galaxy, there must be trillions of them in the universe. How many of the habitable planets that actually have life, are hard to say (Source:

But the theory that UFOs represents alien intelligence involves a number of assumptions.

Main assumption: That the alien intelligence really exists. For the time being, there is no evidence that races other than us exist. Perhaps an extremely rare combination of events must be necessary to produce intelligent beings? Mankind's development may seem to be the product of a wide range of environmental coincidences - which can occur on any planet - but perhaps not in the right combination or at the right time?

Despite this, it seems that more and more scientists are arguing that it will be naive to assume that we are alone and that it is statistically far more likely that we are not alone.

But if they exist, is it possible for "them" to come here?

J. Allen Hynek has a good illustration of the incredible distances in space:

If you imagine that the thickness of a playing card represents the distance between the earth and the moon, how many cards do you need to reach the nearest star outside the sun? The number is utopian, you need over thirty kilometers of playing cards!
(Hynek in Hessdalen 1985)

But maybe there are "shortcuts"? A type of "hole" in the space-time continuum? Portals etc?


J. Allen Hynek in interview with UFO-Norway's Odd Gunnar Røed:

The typical UFO is seen by many, it seems real and leaves marks, and then disappears. It is rarely reported from city to city. When a 747 departs from New York toward San Francisco, it is possible to follow this metal chunk every inch of the journey. This does not apply with UFOs. These occur spontaneously within a confined area, remain visible for a short time, and disappear. Maybe the UFOs have two aspects. They can be something in between our reality and a parallel reality - the door to another dimension? (Source: Tidsskriftet (journal) "UFO" no. 4, 1985).

A while back I came across the book "Demon Haunted" by John Zaffis. One of the chapters in the book deals with portals, and goes as far as to list specific characteristics that, according to the author, are often present in areas of increased paranormal activity - within the UFOlogy often referred to as "window areas" and / or "portals".

Under the section "Geophysical signatures" one can read:

Portals have one or more characteristic geophysical properties. One is marked magnetic deviation. Many portal areas have high concentrations of magnetic or diamagnetic content in the ground, such as iron, magnetite and quartz. Other characteristics include underground water, especially when it comes to the surface, natural caves, tunnels after mining, large bodies of water, especially flowing, and marshy areas.

All in all, this could have been a description of Hessdalen.

Now I do not know what sources Zaffis operates with - he states no one - and possibly this is based entirely on his own experiences and investigations. But it is nevertheless a pretty incredible coincidence whether Hessdalen holds all the hallmarks of a "portal" according to Zaffis if it was based on pure coincidence! While there may be every reason to question the scientific basis of Zaffis' characteristics, such a theory probably does not arise in a vacuum. It must probably be based on something?

And Zaffis isn't the only one to speculate along this line; In the book “Haunted Hudson Valley” by Cheri Revai (2010), one can read:

Investigators in the paranormal believe that specific geological conditions, such as areas with large deposits of iron ore and quartz, can result in increased paranormal activity.

Another book - "Strange Electromagnetic Dimensions: The Science of the Unexplainable" by Louis Proud (2014) - follows the same line:

These phenomena tend to haunt specific locations, places that are geologically "special" in one or more ways, such as being near a fault zone, by large bodies of water, - a lake, pond, river or waterfall - or by significant deposits of minerals.

The mountains in and around Hessdalen have a complex geology - with long traditions for mining. There are many old, abandoned mines in and around the valley, and just south of Hessdalen lies Norway's largest ore deposit - untouched. According to experts, the Hessjøen field is estimated to hold 16 million tons of ore - mainly iron, copper and zinc.

Large ore deposits generate strong magnetic fields.

(Hessdalen, - view to the west: Mount Finnsåhøgda).

In addition, we know that there are significant deposits of quartz crystals in Hessdalen. And precisely crystals are often mentioned in connection with "portals" in paranormal literature - such as e.g. in the book New Realities of the Twenty-First Century, by P. Wildman:

Quartz is known to be piezoelectric, ie, has the property of being
electrically charged when pressurized. In combination with strong magnetic fields, this can create a kind of electromagnetic chain reaction at the atomic level, as well as at the subatomic level - electrons, photons, protons and neutrons.

An "electromagnetic chain reaction" is a rather vague description of what is supposed to happen, I think ... But can there be something like that happening in Hessdalen?

Frenchman Jaques Vallée is known in UFO circles for suggesting a multidimensional visitation hypothesis as an alternative to the more widespread - and according to Vallée - narrow - extraterrestrial, visitation hypothesis. Vallée has explored the commonalities between UFO and other paranormal phenomena, including traditional folklore, and speculation on these potential links is presented in Vallé's third UFO book, Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers (1969).

(Valleé - suggests a multidimensional hypothesis)

Vallée seems to believe that there is a real UFO phenomenon - associated with a form of non-human consciousness - that has been active throughout human history, and seems to mask itself in different forms in different cultures.

American John Keel defies a related view. In his third book - UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse (1970 / re-released in 1996), he links UFOs to supernatural concepts such as monsters, ghosts and demons. Keel uses the term "Ultraterrestrials" to describe the UFO-pilots which he assumes are non-human beings (or intelligence) capable of assuming any form - or rather, giving the illusion of any form.

(John Keel)


Do we live in a multidimensional world? Quantum mechanics seem to be open up for this, and more and more physicists seem to be of this opinion. What was pure science fiction just a couple of decades ago seems to be pretty much mainstream today.

Is it that our physical world is just one plane or dimension among many? And is it then possible that the UFO phenomenon - and possibly other paranormal phenomena - is due to the interaction between our own and one or more of these other dimensions?

Is it, after all, all about thin borders? So that there are small "accidents" that cause paranormal events?

A kind of "rift" that constitutes an "opening" between two or more worlds? If so, could it be that Hessdalen in Norway - as well as a number of other similar places around the world - so-called windows - are places where such "rifts" are more likely to emerge?

lørdag 21. april 2012

Extraordinary UFO sighting; Hessdalen and UFOs; - Aliens, or secret military experiments?

One of the most extraordinary UFO-sightings in Hessdalen ever, was done by Leif Havik, - who is the author of the book I several times have referred to as well; “The UFO phenomenon”, (1987). Havik was also coordinator of the first two field investigations carried out by Project Hessdalen in 1984 and 1985. Considering Haviks position (leadership within Project Hessdalen / author of one out of two books about Hessdalen), it is, in my opinion, an extra reason to attribute this very special sighting weight:
“Friday 23.August, Leif Havik took a trip to Hessdalen. It was early afternoon when he turned into the road that leads to Øyungen, by Vårhus. Leif parked his car below Fjellbekkhøgda. Leif had packed a backpack for the trip, and went up along the mountain side. On the way up, he met a sport fisherman who was on his way down the mountain. After a brief pause at the top, Leif continued further towards Måstjønnskarven. He stopped at a huge rock on the plateau. Leif sat down on the moss, and used the huge stones as his backrest. He looked at the fantastic play of colors in the reflections from the countless small lakes across the tide. There were some little clouds that drifted by. It was strangely quiet, not a sound or a small puff where he sat.

Above you can see the drawing that Leif Havik made.
While Leif sat there, he suddenly got a feeling of being watched., and he turned around to see if there was anything nearby. There was nothing to see, so he threw it away by thinking that it probably was just his imagination.

Just then, he saw a shiny silver object that slowly slipped out of an invisible portal in the sky. The distance was hard to calculate, but it was "close" enough so that he could see the details of the hull. It looked like a fuselage without wings, and it was clearly composed of plates. Although it shined in silver, there were parts that were like darkened glass, especially in the front. The entire hull gradually came into view, and it stopped.

View from Fjellbekkhøgda.
Throughout this phase, Leif felt a tingling sensation in his arms and legs, and he was "heavy" in his head. It was an uncomfortable feeling, as if "something" deprived of his will. His brain told him to flee from there, but something "locked" him to the moss where he sat. Leif felt an intense, high-pitched, whistling noise inside his head, and it was an uncomfortable pressure in the forehead.

Leif explains further: "A weak. Reflective. flickering light moved along the side of the hull. There was something undefinable woolly about the light, - or rather like illuminated smoke. It suddenly felt as if his head would burst, and it was an indescribable pain. Then he did not really know what happened. The next thing he remembered was that he sat and looked beyond the rocky landscape, and he was surprised that it had been dark so fast. Now, there was no pain in his head, and the wingless fuselage was gone. He had to sort out his mind, and leaned firmly against a rock and rolled a cigarette. Then, it was as if a tape recorder started to run, and an authoritative and clear voice began to speak and rattled off one lesson after another. After a while, the "tape recorder" stopped. He suddenly felt that he wanted to go back home. The speed was high on the way back to the car. "

Map which shows Haviks position.
My comment:
I particularly note Haviks description of the hull, "as a fuselage, without wings” and the sentence; “it was clearly composed of plates." The description "fuselage without wings" is often used in conjunction with Hessdalen. This indicates (of course) that the vessel does not carry wings, and what keeps the vessel in the air,  most probably is a form of field propulsion / “anti-gravity”. However, it is my opinion that the fuselage shape indicates a human origin, and not something extraterrestrial/alien. If the craft was alien, I would have expected something far more exotic than "a fuselage without wings." In my view, "fuselage without wings-shape" indicates that the (human) builders of the vessel have based the craft on a plane (or a U-boat?) and simply dropped the wings - because they are unnecessary (due to exotic propulsion).

My next point is the words "clearly composed of plates".  Again, I think this indicates a man-made vessel, and not something alien. Most of our vessels are composed of plates, but is it likely that extraterrestrials/aliens - far ahead in development - would stagnate at the same developmental stage regarding development of hulls? Isn't it more likely that they would have developed hulls molded in a single piece of metal? A vessel "clearly composed of plates" would not be very suitable for interstelleare traveling in (or close to) the speed of light. (It would of course be torn apart.)

Some would argue that the crafts that visits earth (seen in Hessdalen), were brought here via a "mother ship, - but if the "mother ship" is built on the basis of requirements for interstellar travel, why does not the hulls of the “probes” possess the same qualities?

When it comes to Haviks psychological reactions (voices inside his head, etc.), many will likely connect this to extraterrestrials.

In my opinion, these reactions may rather be due to either (natural) electromagnetic activity - that we know occurs in the Hessdalen area (due to geo-physiological conditions?) - or a form of artificial electromagnetic interference. The first implies that it all takes place in Havik's head because of natural conditions that excists in the valley. The second option, however, indicates artificial influence - and thus a form of mind control - and that Hessdalen may be the site of greater things - testing of new technology (secret NATO-projects?) etc.

The last option will be explained in upcoming articles.

lørdag 7. april 2012

UFOs and G-forces, - and the 1947 flying saucer-wave again:

Regarding G-forces:

How can people (with
known technology) survive the extraordinary acceleration and abrupt maneuvers UFOs often been observed to exercise - which in some cases suggest at least 100 times the G-forces? Most people begin to lose consciousness when approaching 10 to 12 G. ..

This is often mentioned as a "proof" that UFOs must be extraterrestrial, which I disagree on. One accepts that aliens are able to solve the problem of G-forces, but consider it impossible for us?
Besides, it can just as well be remote controlled, unmanned crafts that carries out the "worst" maneuvers?

My main point is that UFOs in 1947, according to the majority of the testimonys as they are reproduced in books that deal with the 47-wave, generally did not perform maneuvers that suggest that such forces were involved.

Claims of great maneuverability came later.

Maybe it's due to:

1: Escalation in the eagerness to describe UFOs incredible maneuverability from 1947 to the present.

2: A technological evolution.

Probably a combination, but I think option 2 is most likely.

During the wave of 1947, UFOs did not perform these fantastic maneuvers. It was reported amazing maneuverability compared to contemporary aircraft technology, but not so exotic that it must represent something extraterrestrial.

ET was obviously not in the mind of the general Schulgen, nor mentioned in any of the earliest documents concerning UFOs by the U.S. Air Force - this came later.

Schulgens memorandum, however, is full of references to German technology and research conducted in Germany during the war and in the years ahead of the war.

This tells me that what was observed in 1947, "looked all too familiar" two years after the war ended.

This is especially due to Nazi research on the boundary layer, as well as research on aircrafts with circular design.

Take a look at the document from 1936 I linked to in a previous post; - Wilhelm Kinner: "On wings with circular design" ("Über tragflügel mit kreisförmigen grundriss").

But what about sightings of aliens, some will surely object?

Regarding close encounters, meetings with aliens etc. I think it's important to keep in mind that most UFO sightings do not include observation of pilots / crew.

And in those cases when they are reported to not look like us, the "gray-aliens" and so on, it is important to check the source - reports can be manipulated, a manifestation of disinfo, etc.?

Ps! I do not reject the idea of ​​extraterrestrial life -, and I am not dismissive of that we may have had extraterrestrial visits once or several times in our history. Nevertheless, there are a number of facts that place the roots of the modern UFO phenomenon, that emerged in 1947, to Germany.